Saturday, July 31, 2010

A celebration of uniqueness.

Have you ever really looked at a pug's tail? If you have a vivid imagination, as I do, you might notice it looks an awful lot like a cinnamon roll. And they all have that characteristic snorty grunt thing, which is so adorable.
Then you have the French bulldogs, who have no tail really at all. It's just a small tuft of hair that wiggles.
Dachshunds have short chubby legs, of course......but have you ever seen a dachshund mixed with a basset hound? Or maybe a Spitz? I can't be sure and I don't have proof, but I'd be willing to bet that one of our clients' pups is a wiener dog/Spitz mix. Short legs, a little bowlegged, but with fur like a cotton ball and wolf like ears. It's the cutest thing.
We take care of a whippet who can literally climb like a monkey, up your back, a fence, whatever she fancies. There are dogs that lick you all over the face, and dogs that never do.......dogs that freak when you pet them on the head, or belly, or back......
We celebrate the quirks of all our furry friends, don't we? I think that's what makes them ours. :)
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