Brochures, brochures, brochures. Did I mention brochures? See picture at left. Only a fraction, I might add.
Blue string, punching holes, cutting paper, along with the inevitable paper cuts......that's what Karl and I have been working on the last day or two. Today we did our first distribution......managed to get about 150 out there. So, we're hoping to get some bites from that! If not, at least we got some fabulous exercise (let me just say that I don't like hills).
So tonight we started a big assignment with one of our steady clients who are on vacation until
Sunday. They have two sweet Yorkies who we absolutely love hanging out with. First problem---the clients just had a concrete sidewalk and patio poured.....so no backyard activity for the pups until at least Friday. Second problem---pups don't do well on the leash. I'm walking like a speed demon trying to keep up and Karl and I keep getting the leashes tangled......oh, the fun of it all! Lastly (and this really rubbed me the wrong way), a man came out of his house, obviously mad......gave us both looks like we were psycho serial killers on the loose in his neighborhood. Had the nerve to ask "What are you doing?" I mean, what did he think we were doing? A gal and a guy walking two furry creatures......it's just such a foreign concept! (note the sarcasm here) We politely told him that we were pet sitting for his neighbors and taking the dogs for a walk (duh).......he proceeds to say that he doesn't appreciate the dogs peeing on his lawn. Goodness. We're living and learning with this new adventure......and tonight was just another example of that.
Let me just add here that I don't appreciate his negativity. He obviously doesn't have dogs. Makes me want to go and put a lovely pile of dog poo right on his doorstep.
(I wouldn't do that, of course)
That's all for tonight. More tomorrow, hopefully (if we haven't been beaten up by the neighborhood bullies).
Signing off!
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