Today, we met with a new client who has a pit bull mix. Her name is Sydney (the dog, that is), and she's honestly one of the most beautiful pits I've ever seen -- white with gorgeous steel gray spots -- and eyes that suck you right in. Her temperament is docile -- she barks when the doorbell rings like most dogs -- but her owner has experienced the "pit bull stigma" firsthand. She and her boyfriend are moving to Denver as soon as they find a house -- but, they have to live OUTSIDE Denver due to a pit bull ban (yes, a total ban) within the city. Apparently, if you own a pit and someone decides to report you, authorities will come to your house, take your dog, and euthanize it. No questions asked. I don't understand where this law came from, and I think it's utterly insane.
We have four or five pits on our roster, and all of them are sweet, loving, playful animals. They can be rambunctious, and they're strong as oxen, but they have a gentle nature. They may have "small dog" syndrome -- that is, they don't realize their strength and size -- but they aren't nearly as vicious as many people believe them to be.
If you've ever watched the shows "Pit Bulls and Parolees" or even "Pit Boss" then you know how many stray pit bulls are out there. People don't want to adopt pits. They go to the shelter and pass right by the sweet pit bull in the corner cage.......the dog that will probably end up euthanized due to lack of interest. If you've ever visited the website for the Humane Society of the US, you know how serious dogfighting is -- who doesn't remember the whole Michael Vick debacle? What I love about the HSUS is that they provide education about this misunderstood breed and dogfighting in general. They attempt to change legislation and have helped develop dogfighting laws. But the problem still remains -- pit bulls are shunned, abandoned, and discriminated against.
We love our pit bull clients. I feel pretty passionate about them......being the "underdog" and all. And many times, the "underdog" prevails. I hope that's the case one day.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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