Saturday, February 27, 2010


Haven't written in a while......with the fantastic response to my last blog, you'd think I'd be chomping at the bit to write something. There are always things to write about, but, you also have to have the time and motivation to do it!  So here we are.....

I'd like to think, after a year of being in the pet sitting biz, that I'd be a pro. An expert even. When we tell folks that we do this work, we very frequently get the "you must be crazy" look. Or, we get comments like, "oh, that must be such an easy, fun job!" To that I would say, yes, it is fun......but no, it is not typically easy. We've learned over the past year that there are various ways to make things easier......but unexpected, sudden situations come up, things we may not have planned for. I suppose you could say that we've come to "expect the unexpected." And, it's really a job requirement we try to emphasize, not only for ourselves, but for anyone who works with us.

The "anatomy" of a pet sit or dog walk is important. First and foremost, no animal is the same, whether it be dog, guinea pig, cat, snake, or bird. Each animal has a distinct, and very unique, personality........and it's important to adjust your way of doing things for each one. We always tell our clients to be as detailed as possible (or "nerdy", as one client called it) on the pet info form, and there's a reason for that. It matters if a dog only likes to walk in a certain place, if he or she will only poop on a certain patch of grass. It matters if a cat won't come out from under the bed, and occasionally pees outside the litter box. It matters if a dog or cat is diabetic and needs insulin. Every single detail matters.

We try to follow our clients' instructions to the letter.........but, there are certain extra special details that we try to focus on as well. I truly believe these details are what sets us apart, what makes us different, and most importantly, what keeps our clients coming back.

This past year has been's been hectic, crazy, fun, busy beyond belief, but our lives are so FULL and so amazing. We're lucky to be in this business and lucky to have met so many awesome folks.

*Lastly, I just have to put in another plug for pit bulls. I'm watching "Pit Boss" as I write this and couldn't resist. This time, I'll mention another one of our clients' dogs -- her name is Jade, and yes, she's a pittie. Her human parents adopted her a few months ago -- she was six years old, had just delivered a litter of puppies, and they fell in love with her. After meeting her, I immediately knew why. She loves to be with you, loves to walk, and loves to give nuzzles. Jade is a wonderful ambassador of the pittie breed, and I just had to give her a shout out! 

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